Nearly 6 years ago on the eve of 15th August when first rays of Independence reached our motherland, then each and every Indian wanted to contribute in some or other way in building new India. In the eyes of every Indian dream were getting mustered. At that time Kumari Kaushalya Narula of Sargodha district of undivided India also decided to do something for the country in Delhi.
It was a challenging task for her as at that time no importance was given on education of girls. But she was successful in opening the school and running it successfully also. She collected money for that purpose and for 35 years worked as founder manager and Principal of school “Nava Hind Girls School”
The roots of our school originated in Anand Parvat, developed in Ajmal Khan park and was finally established on New Rohtak Road. Today it is a successful “Nava Hind Senior Secondary School” which has now evolved completely. The foundation of this school was laid by our first president Dr. Rajendra Prasad. On 10th September, 1953. From then slowly this school evolved and developed its Arts, Accounts and Science Departments along with well equipped laboratories. By 1980 our school was fully developed on its own.
The foundation stone of this school was laid down on land given in charity. The building of this school was formed in various stops. Today we have a huge hall, gymnasium , playground, the facilities which big public school are providing with changes of high fuse.
Thus the main objective of this school is “Free and high quality of Education.” Or school lies in zone -28 of central zone and has achieved laurels both in academic as well as cultural areas.
Our school is not limited in the trilogy of arts, Commerce and Science whereas music, sports, computer, Eco club, Youth parliament, street play areas which has added feather in the cap of Nava Hind school achievements. Our students score 100 % in many of their subjects also the result of our school comes 100% in X and XII.
Apart from all these achievements there was Science exhibition.